Engineering Services
We carry out multi-body simulations on your behalf
If you would like to outsource particularly large and complex CAE projects for capacity reasons or you do not have your own simulation department, we can support you as an engineering partner with a focus on simulation across the entire process chain or by taking on individual tasks.
We are also happy to advise you on the development and establishment of your own simulation processes based on our simulation software SIMDRIVE3DTM.
Task force deployment
Damage has occurred in your drive system during operation and you need urgent support. We create a virtual prototype and simulate the dynamic loads, deformations, vibrations and system eigenfrequencies occurring in the overall system and in the individual components under realistic operating conditions. The damage mechanism is clarified as part of a detailed analysis and with the inclusion of animations. Remedial measures will be identified and presented as part of simulation-driven design process with modified system parameters.
You need a design approval without hardware test ?
During series production, individual parts or entire components are often replaced due to manufacturer changes or product modifications. This raises the question of whether this changes the properties or service life of the engine or drivetrain. In a comparative dynamics simulation with the complete drive system, the relevant components can be virtually replaced compared to the initial state and their effect on the dynamics and NVH behavior can be evaluated.
Virtual validation of an initial product design
Do you have a product idea and an initial design draft? We create a virtual prototype with all the necessary boundary conditions and analyze the motion sequence and component dynamics in terms of position, speed and acceleration in order to identify critical vibrations and operating states. To optimize the design, a large number of different system configurations can be automatically tested and compared with each other in a short computing time. Both the component properties and the operating parameters are adjusted in order to avoid load limits and thus damage.