Gear Drive & Transmission
Static Gearbox Calculation and Dynamic NVH Gearbox Simulation: An Integrated Master Model Approach
Static gearbox calculation and dynamic NVH gearbox simulation are two crucial processes in gearbox development, closely interconnected with each other. Both utilize common input data and build upon each other, allowing for an efficient and cohesive workflow.
Quick Overview with Static Calculation:
The static calculation for one or more load points provides a rapid insight into the forces and displacements in the entire system. This facilitates a fast basic design of shaft systems and gear design, including macro and micro geometry.
High-Quality Dynamic Simulation:
On the other hand, dynamic simulation deals with the calculation of dynamic forces and displacements under transient operating conditions. It serves to evaluate and validate the dynamics, vibrations, and acoustics.

Our innovative solution is to perform both static calculation and dynamic simulation using the same NVH/MBS master model. This approach offers several advantages:
No Need for Model Reconstruction:
There is no need for model rebuilding. Switching between calculation types and adding load tables is straightforward.
Construction-Accompanying Model Development:
A continuous development of the model from the design geometry to the CAD is feasible for both types of calculations.
Human Error Minimization:
This approach helps to avoid modeling and input errors.
Reduction in the Number of Models:
This leads to a reduction in the number of required models.
Flexibility During the Construction Phase:
In every stage of construction, it is possible to switch between the two types of calculations as needed.